Well, we went to Montreal for the concert last week! Amidst all of the homework and tests and the time that I should have been learning what a reflexive verb is for Spanish!
We had almost 2 days in all on a bus, so that was a bit excessive! And Im still discovering strange pains, busses and bus people are strange.

These are the binoculars that we bought to go and see him! (We were overtired and hungry in a huge "underground city!")
Bon Dylan was fairly amazing. In my mind he is this amazingly passionate man, who would espouse some maxim that would change my life, but instead he just played his music, which was still out of this world! He had beautiful accompaniment!

David "les filles, les filles" Aubut in Old Montreal!
Otherwise we did some pretty sweet touristy things, and some pretty sweet 'locals only' stuff. We ate poutine and Schwartz and made it out for beer and chocolate a couple of times.

Poutine with Marie-Pierre (Say it like a cheesy frenchman, its much prettier!)

Megan and Guy-Jill (The corniest french names combined for the best cat name ever!)
It was such a great time, and I cant ever do great things justice on the blog. Sigh, if only I could write my adventures like Blake!! Now, there is a master and a half!

Becks, as it turns out, you will appreciate this one! This is the wooden tower that he is speaking of!! This was one of the prime tourist stops for us all!
"And he spent a long time watching
From his lonely wooden tower
And when he knew for certain
Only drowning men could see him
He said "All men will be sailors then
Until the sea shall free them"
(Leonard Cohen, Suzanne)
Sweet Binoculars!!!
Bryna did you get a haircut? or was your hair just tyed back in those pictures?
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Did all your roommates go?
http://beadbogan.spaces.live.com/ that link should work now, I changed the security settings.
I did get a bunch of hair cut off, it was tied back there. Its sitting at about my chin level!!
Just Megan and I went! And it was alot of fun! Sigh! Back to the essays I go!
Hi ho!
Wicked pictures bryna, I like your bloggin just fine :)
wow that would have been awsome to see.Almost as awsome as seeing the who in vancouver.
holy balls beany baby .. icant belive you went to see bob dylan .... pretty much overly jelious ...
miss you lots
cant wait to make gingerbread houses
*heart* emly and yort
also yay for you and blake beeing able to feed me now :)
I'm no dirty french man (though some believe I am) but I think it's guy-"gilles." Guy Jill is pretty good too though :o)
I'm still quite jealous... I must say.. that would have been awesome had I not had my stupid lab.
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