I wish that I could remember the themes to all of these photos, I will do my best though!! This one is just a general "Megan fell off the bandwagon" one!

We thought that Emma sort of looked like Quasimodo in this one! Image search him, its striking!

Note how far Emma can stick her finger up her nose! Lots of practice?

What we look like when we are sleeping? Except for me, thats what I look like when I am rocking out with my eyes closed!

Some people "get their eyes from their Mother," some inherit kindness from dear old Mom, but I, I got my greatest skill from her!

Possibly the only nice one that we took!

In my mind, I might not go towards the white light when I die, but instead this picture!

Megan must have said something really geeky!

Pensive to our hidari-kanji-left! (Am I right?)

Wish us luck getting A+'s on the tests that we should be studying for!!
Just as a post note, the other day Greg said that finding a BC girl on the east coast was like finding a hill on the prairie. So, the chances of finding three BC girls on the east coast in the same house would be comparable to finding?? (I cant think of anything funny, can you?)
hurray, glad to see you looking so happy! I loved the third from last one, mellow and happy.
I'm pretty sure most of those are priceless! Haha thanks for the laughs!
you guys are too cute :)
hey this is steven. As per your question. I would love to tell you whats been going on at the dojo, But I havent been there since september. Were straped for money andall sorts of stuff has been happening. But as soon as I get a job,(pending an interveiw some time now)I will be going back.
You really are a [gik] haha! It's gonna be a long break.
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