
Sky Rider (A Girl and Her Horse)

Living on a farm, it is easy to become a bit desensitized to the death of your animals/pets. It hasn't began to be substantially more easy as I age, but I have begun to understand life a bit better. It wasn't always so though, and definetely isn't so for a 7 year old.

Our old horse Danny-Boy died yesterday. Danny was nearly 20 years old and had taken me faithfully on many trail rides and waited patiently while I got up countless times after falling off. He stood quietly while I cinched up the saddle too tight, while I learned how to tie his lead to a fence post, while I cleaned his hooves. He stewarded me across creeks and fields time and time again always slowing down when he felt me losing balance or growing tense. Hearing Mom say that he did instantly brought tears to my eyes and a frog to my throat.

Caylee, Mom and Emma were out finding the horses yesterday morning when they found him. They were all understandably upset, but none as upset as our little 7 year old Emma, with a sensitive heart. Caylee in consoling her, told her the following story (and anyone who knows Caylee will hear Caylee's voice):

"Don't worry Emma, Danny is in a better place now. He's in Montana (where we got him from) running free with tall grass tickling the underside of his stomach. He's drinking out of a clean spring and rolling lazily in the dust cloud. He's flying with the eagles."

To this Emma replied:

"I won't call him Danny anymore, I'll call him Sky Rider"

(which I thought was a perfect thing for her to say)