
Just to let you know!

I might be a bit psychic.

Congratulations Karyl and Jenna!!
All the best

And now Karyl, a word from our Norweigan Forefathers!

"Hip hip hoorah, for i dag er det Karyl og Jenna's dag"
[Hip hip hoorah, for ee dog aer de Karyl oh Jenna's dog]
Hip hip hoorah, for today is Karyl and Jenna's day

"Må deres kjaerlighet bli moderne nok til å overleve de skiftende tidene og gammeldags nok til å vare livet ut"
[Mow deres shaer-lee-het blee mood-aerne nok til oh over-laeve de shiftende teedene oh gammel-dags nok til oh va-re leevet oot]
May your love be modern enough to outlive the changing times and old-fashioned enough to last a lifetime

I found them on a Norweigan phrase sight, I thought the first was sort of funny, and the second was romantic and hopeful!
Hip Hip Hooray for lutfisk and jhetost (oh yeah, and congratulations!!)


Blake said...

It blew my mind when I read on your site about Karyl and Jenna (on your "congrats vince") post, I totally thought you were physic

Bryna said...

I think that I might be!! Maybe Ill start making predictions about everyone that I know, Ive got to be right occasionally!!

Who's next to marry??
Beware my mad skillz!

Anonymous said...

You'd better dream up something super-awesome for me. The last prediction someone had about me was that I would marry Adam "You could be an 8 if you tried harder" Davey. (That wierd human-fuel looking guy that we saw in the cafeteria one day?)....


Bryna said...

Lol, was he the one that you rated a 9? (On the 40 point scale? burn!)

Hmm, I have someone in mind for you... Maybe if I concentrate really hard... (and close one eye, and then open it really fast, right zach?!)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam was the 9 outta 40 guy. Mostly because he lacks tact and personality, and a brain.

I will concentrate too... and By our powers combine.... lol. can't wait until Christmas! EEEEK

Jenna said...

Aww, thanks Bryna! Memorize those sayings, I may challenge you to recite them at our wedding (whenever that is!)

Anonymous said...

Hey no bashing on the close one eye thing!!! (It WORKS!)