Well, I made it back alive from my first day of classes. I actually had a class and a tutorial only scheduled for today anyways, but the tutorial was not on due to not actually having that class yet. So it was a quick day, which was just about right to get me back into the swing of things. The class was an arabic language class and I found it fairly interesting. I hope that I stay engaged. On the walk home I stopped at a stationary store and bought some flash cards and felts so that I can hopefully learn the letters in arabic sucessfully.

I dont know what that says, but one day maybe!! I do know that there are no vowels in there though, pure consonants baby!!
In other news, I am enjoying having the internet up and running.
In still more other news, I have internet but still no bed. I am really procrastinating before I run off and get one of those. Im trying to decide whether to get a futon or a read bed... Its a conundrum...
That's awesome that you're learning arabic, and also that you get free stuff off the sidewalk. That should be a Canadian Tradition as well... Maybe we'll just have to start it and see how long until the neighbours complain. Your flat mates sound awesome, and I hope that this whole year is a lot of fun. When do you start karate at your new dojo? I hope you find a bed soon, too.
Love Becks
I hope you don't find a bed. Try sleeping on a slab of plywood instead, that'll tuffen yah up!
Hey, Im tougher than a girl should be already... Sleeping on plywood might just push me over the edge :)
It might push into actually becoming your blog title
What "The bedless wonder with too much boyish estrogen?" Its got a bit of a ring to it...
I Think this is weird and Iam saying that Steven the king of weird
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