I just thought that I should write a quick little good luck wish to Blake who will be soon jetting even further away from me than I jetted from him... I wish him good luck on his trip and I hope that he doesn't do something stupid like miss his connecting flight like an idiot that I know once did.

I found some nice picture of him (and various other people!) that generally show his personality and the reasons why I can surely say "they don't make them like that anymore!"

Check out his blog-thang at www.bikesandbeans.blogspot.com
And now, the piece de resistance!

Do i smell the next will farrel?
nice top pic there its a nice effect
Wow Blake, you got a WHOLE blog entry just dedicated to you! I hope you have fun too!!
Brynnnnnnnnaaaaaaa You should buy a button maker (you know those funky punky ones...) - found out today they're only $50-$100 - make over 100 buttons and you'll have the thing paid for! Then it's all puuure profit.
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