Just out of boredom and sheer exhaustion we decided to document my first Atlantic Timmy's Experience.
I have noticed some things about here which contrast greatly with home such as; on Sunday any large store is not open, on Labor day it is impossible to find a couple bottles of wine, army / navy men run rampant, and furniture stores are "anywhere close to the sidewalk." Turns out that an Atlantic tradition is when you do not need something anymore, you are to leave it out on the street and hope that someone else will take it away. So, that is exactly what happened.

Yeah for University Students!!
Our flat is upstairs in a classically maritime house. There are four bedrooms, one tiny one and three bigger ones. The bathroom is small and the fan sounds like metal on metal until it gets going.
My roomates are less than stereotypical. There are three of us from BC, Megan (obviously), Emma and myself. Emma is from Nanaimo and on the school Basketball team (go Tigers!!). Emma, Meg and I all graduated in the same year, and are all in the same year of school. We all like red wine. Grace is another story all together. Grace is going into nursing, she is going to turn 19 in a couple of months. She has a sweet disposition. Grace is mainly from Nova Scotia, but has moved occasionally due to her father being in the military.

Emma and Megan chllin' on the Sweet Find of the Century
What else can I say about this new adventure... It was terrible leaving home and everyone there. It was especially hard leaving Blake as it will be a very long time until I get to see him again. On the last couple of days I didnt even mind the bugging that he ineviatably bestowed upon me. It was really hard leaving my family as well, and I think it would have been a bit easier if they werent all so awesome. And, it would have been easier if they had all just left the airport. But no, they had to wait and give me hugs and stand there on the other side of the railing whilst I moved up in line and was so sad.
So far this has been quite the week and Im hoping that today I will find a bed and a blanket so that I can stop sleeping in the living room.
How far into your flight did you sop crying? ;)
Looks like your having fun, missing you!
As soon as you twirps left, I could start to contain myself. I admit that I accidentally couldnt contain a sob just before I went through security... I was ok in the waiting room, but got so teary eyed when the plane took off as well. Maybe if you stopped being so awesome...
Never :P
wow Atlantic Canada That would be a great exspirience. veiw my blog and send me some pics of events that have happend at the dojo cause i never got any.
your a fetus *heart*
-emiline and troy-zen-himer aka yort
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