

Well, Megan, Emma and I just finished playing MASH. Do you guys remember that game? I think that it is generally meant for preteen girls who giggle alot at the thought of marrying that cute guy in their class or the hot movie star. If you dont recall, let me explain.
6 Categories are Chosen
1. Housing (MASH - Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House/Hostel)
2. Boys! Men! (Who eventually you will end up marrying)
3. Job (Anything goes)
4. Pets
5. Kids (number of)
6. Vehicle

So, generally when I was young we would get together and do this, but Emma, Megan and I decided to do them on Emma's 21st birthday eve. So...

Im married to a rat exterminator. This is not a good start. With this rat exterminator I have 5 kids and we live in a beautiful rat infested mansion (because this rat exterminator apparantly brings his rats home to bed). When I am not taking care of my hordes of children, I am driving my ice cream truck to and from work, at a very monotonous job (mind-numbingly boring). After work I go home and walk my banana slug...

Anyways, it was just kind of a random activity, that I thought would be funnier to report about than it was apparantly.
It was my roomates 21st Birthday!! Yeah for junk food!!
Happy Birthday Emma!


Vinny said...

Bryna, that is quite the favourable setup you have there. I mean rat examiner, who'd a thunk it! That sounds like quite the game, I'm pretty sure you DIDN'T have a lot of fun playing it.

Anonymous said...

Haha I remember MASH.. for a second there, when I first read your title, I thought you were going to talk about M*A*S*H the TV series - seems to be this wierd retro thing that people are just now realizing was pretty cool.

It seems the best part of your future is that ice cream truck :) Miss you heaps!


Blake said...

can we chop an lower your ice-cream truck? Maybe give it some sort of re-mix tune to play, I can almost smell the bling (a-ling)