Grace was kind enough to let us begin celebrating Christmas on November the 26th (the day after "For The Health Of It" was over). We have been listening (and to a huge extent singing) to Christmas music and eating red and green jellybeans and I even went so far as to buy mistletoe (now all we need is to place a dirty hippie under the mistletoe... or the christmas tree (: ) The dirty hippie that I am referring to needs a brown sweater, poor personal hygiene (sorry Sam, I had to say it!) and long hair, be NDP and to be interested in living in bio-regions and perhpas starting a commune with Megan and I.

Grace being adorable (if you think shes charming here, you should see her in real life!)
Tonight we went over to Zach, Nichelle, Janice and Matt's house to help them decorate the Christmas tree and listen to Christmas music and have awesome wine-punch and rum-egg nog and Matt being a pyro!! It was such a beautiful feeling to be surrounded by such warmth and happy feelings. It just seemed that even though everyone was in the middle of exam time, and needed to be at home writing essays that the good spirit of Christmas togetherness prevailed and we all understood that it was more important to be together (and develop our hearts) instead of being alone and divided.

I might have to explain this one. Emma was definetely trying to make a imprint of her boob in the nail-thinger and couldnt do it alone, so I was just trying to help!! We had to do it so many times to get the right tilt!

On the bottom are Nichelle, Aaron (sp) and Laura and laying upon them is Janice. Janice was so tired after being up since 4:30am but I think didn't want to leave the group atmosphere and take her kitty and rabbit to bed!
It's the first year in a long time that I have felt this Christmas-y. I think that I am so excited for Christmas because I know that by the time Christmas is here, that I will be at home in front of a fire (with a warm book!!) or making gingerbread houses!

Emma and Megan on the way home from NJZM's!
That being said, I definetely appreciate my time in Halifax and have thoroughly enjoyed being able to cultivate such amazing friendships!

We share everything around here, even dirty icicles! (Ok, I have to admit, that I this picture reminds me of the photo of the young girl who is sharing her ice cream with the big brown and black dog, Grace is the pretty girl, and Im trying to steal her cold treat!)
My love and Christmas cheer to all!
Your so cute, merry christmas already bryna
:) It was so much fun!!! Thanks for comming again! It was great to get away from studying and enjoy your company as always!
Bryna: am I going to see you for more than a day while you're home? how long are you in BC for this visit?
There's so much snow here that it feels like Christmas here. I'm having a much Merrier Christmas than last year! :)
this is my i'm excited for you to get home face.. your missing my birthday though. :( (sad panda face) ok well ... come make gingerbread hosues with me !!
Oh, Im going to miss Emily's birthday?
I get to come to gingerbread house day?!?!
Eeeh, yet another reason why I am so excited to come home. I cant wait to see you or Krankers, Ziggy or even your wiley boyfriend!! (Tell Yort hi!!)
Im so excited to catch up and paste things together with copious amounts of sugary goo!! Its going to be strange without Blake there, ah well, we can just pretend that he is on one of his Diablo kicks and that he is there, in the computer room, just not able to tear his eyes away from the dastardly Nymphs or Gauntlets or whatever his little heart desires!! (So hyper!)
Nymphs? If you ment protecting the innocent from the literal "hord of hell" then yes, I guess i was frolicing with Nymphs... *Bitter face*
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