I just came off of what was possibly the best weekend reaching back into time immeasurable.
Friday night, after a 4 hour drive that seemed like 2 (thanks to The Vinyl Cafe), arrived at Prince George. Went to the bowling alley where Natalie was frantically trying to contact me (seeing as how I was late). She hit me with the big news "Becky is here!" I was beyond excited at the prospect of spending a night on the town with those two. I'm not going to say that I've never been that excited to see anyone, but I was pretty excited to see Becky. I bet I hugged her like 18,000 times before I really believed that she was there. I had never been out with the Nat, Becks, Lynnette, or Kyla before (not for lack of trying). I had also never been to the Caddilac sober before, so it was an education as to how the "beer goggles" impair your vision of the suitability of set-up ability of the opposite sex for your friends (not that I was at all interested... No sarcasm, but I was looking for my friends) but more so impair your standards on clean bathrooms (even before the night really even got going, I would not have gone in there without Martha Stuart right on my heels). We had all sorts of crazy shots for Nat. Anyways, the dancing was great, the band was great. And then, out of nowhere, the second absolutely wonderfully fantastic thing happened. I turn from dancing with Nat to shoot a mean look at the guy who was pulling me into a fast country dance, only to find a grinning familiar face! Norm! We sashay around the floor, spinning all the while before I was swung into the arms of another man. TJ! Before the dance was over, I had been traded from all of my favorite two steppers, a trend which continued all night. The Caddy always seems like a flurry of activity simply because decent girls to dance with are far outnumbered with decent guys.
The night ended in high style with Nat and I making the hour long trek back to her house. We had planned on cabbing, but the night was too fresh and the alcohol made everything seem warmer and more safe (anyone who knows Prince would be a bit worried when they hear of the route we took!).
Saturday morning Becks and I went for breakfast (Nat was too tired, after having an hour and a half of sleep due to being a mom!). We finally got the chance to catch up on the other person's life. It was, as usual, the most enjoyable companionship.
Next off was a birthday party for the 3 Grahams. TJ and I got there late, but were just in time for cake (and to meet another Dal student). Then we all went out to Dana's cabin for some veggie dogs, Keiths, dancing on the porch (and dock, and bow of Ian's boat...), booze cruise, and being piggy backed around and nearly falling down the embankment. We (Greg, Kristina, TJ, Schuyler, Norm (and his girlfriend), Dana, Darci, Lisa, Dana's 3 roomates, and eventually Adam (though this is more word of mouth, as I remember very little of his presence) all fell asleep scattered through the cabins. Me, on a double bed, just friends spooning with Kristina.
The next morning, I felt a bit sick, but did decide to hit the road with Greg and Kristina, with plans of 4x4ing with Kris, but instead we were toured around Kris' farm with an insane amount of really cool animals. Kris' mom takes animals in that are very old, or sick, or that people just dont want. (For those that it interests (mostly me), there were like 15 cats there! Some siamese, some fluffy and white, and 2 with extra toes, no kittens though!!!) After we left the fun really started! We got to Quesnel and somehow I was convinced to get on a motor bike. WHICH WAS THE FUNNEST THING THAT I HAVE EVER DONE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!!! We zipped around the track so many times, and I couldn't stop smiling. I followed Steve (Greg's Dad) for so long and he said that I caught on so quickly. He said that I had my knee like 2 inches from the ground on one of the corners. I wiped out once, and may have sprained my thumb, but I had no urge to stop. I could have kept riding all day. I can't stop thinking about how much fun it was. I don't know how I can incorporate motorbiking into my summer, but I am going to try so hard. I honestly get all excited when I think about it!!!!!!!! :)
After that we had dinner, headed back into town, and then G, K and I went to the drive in. We turned the 4runner into a sweet recliner and watched Surf's Up (the Penguin movie) and some of Spider Man 3 (I saw "some of" because I had no urge to watch it again, and was asleep before the credits were over). The next morning (this is Monday for those who are keeping track), I decided to stay in Prince George for a couple of days, and went for breakfast with TJ and Adam. Then TJ had to leave so Adam and I went to Bear Lake and layed on the beach and sipped Japanese beer from a brand new Nalgene bottle (and went swimming and didn't even contract swimmer's itch... yet...) Then I headed on my way back home, with a heavy heart (and foot, I totally made my personal best time home). I nearly hit 2 bears. When I finally got into my house I took out my contacts and watched a episode (or two) of Lost before falling exhaustedly into bed after the best weekend of the summer for sure.
I'll post pictures when Adam the thief decides to give back my camera, or whenever Kristina sends me the disk.
I hope your weekend was as good as mine!