These are a special scenario...
A special shoe some would say...
A shoe that in 1968, you couldn't call yourself a hippie if you didn't own. In the present time, in Halifax, at Dalhousie, you can't really consider yourself trendy or from Toronto if you don't own at least one of these pairs of shoes. You might be thinking to yourself "Bryna, that doesn't make sense! Why would you be excited for a pair of shoes that are generally sported by beautiful girls with poofy bangs from Toronto?" My response would just be that I really want a pair of these shoes, and at least for a couple of months I will at least seem to be trendy and hip.
I'm with it. I'm hip. Tak-a-tak-a-tak-a-tak-a [dances the Macarena] Well, don't look at me like I'm friggin' Frankenstein! Come here and give your father a hug. (I'm divorcing you as a friend if you don't get this quote, Grandma -- I'll love you forever regardless of your knowledge of stupid movie quotes, but my friends don't have that priveledge)
And folks, sometimes I think that is the road that I am going down. (The hippie road, not the trendy and hip Young Street or something to that effect, don't you worry)
Birkenstocks offer a variety of cruelty free and animal free products. Says one reviewer "I'm pleased to testify that Birkenstock's implementation of their Vegan line is exquisite, hardy and delightful." (I was just so pleased that she used the word 'delightful' to describe the phasing in of a line of footwear!)
Just as a post-note, these are the shoes that I really want. I am trying to figure out how to get a "Bryna didn't stress herself out so much that she died during her third year of University" present... Any ideas would be muchly appreciated.

i like the second ones .. and i'm glad the're crulty free.. hurrah. p.s if you dont already read it you should get bitch magazine.. its my new life.... cause i have no life..cause i live in dawson..
i miss you .. cant wait for pouce.
p.s. i can see a post about shoes .. i deffs have liek 26 pairs or soemitng rediculious.(hard to spell..)
what? what do you mean Blake?
I can't wait for Pouce either Em!! And I also can't wait to see you all dolled up in your grad dress!
Shoes! I love 'em.... Such a creative Blog, bryn.
10 points!
hey, long time no see. So what Have you been up to.
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