1. That I am usually bored
2. That I am usually procrastinating
3. That I am usually alone/lonely
All of these things usually mean that I am not in the best of moods, I don't think I like being alone as much as I thought that I did (considering that I used to like being alone all of the time, I was happiest when I was housesitting alone).I don't like the feeling of procrastinating and not doing anything productive instead and I hate being bored.
Tonight I am all of those things, and so the topics that I have thought about writing about include: mortality, the storm and staying in to do homework on a Saturday night out of stubborness, perfectionism and exclusivity... None of which are particularily upbeat or happy, therefore, I am going to post a picture of the boo boo on my foot and call it an evening.
I hurt it on a nail sticking out of the hardwood in my room. Goodnight All.