1. No boss (the man, who I thought was my boss until he recently told me that he wasn't my boss, is out of town)
2. No "Sustainability Clerk" Melanie has gone to a rodeo in Southern Alberta and neglected to tell me that she would be gone both Thursday, Friday and Monday. She just usually amuses me, and gives me something to aspire to...
3. An notel on my office table saying to count 1000 "corn husk" pens and 1000 "plantable-postcards" and then repackage them and give them to "key" members of the Dawson Creek community (aka people I am so intimidated of, the Mayor Coucillors, everybody...)
4. A short email from a lady in Vancouver saying that I could start planning the planning process, but I can't do anything with it until after the 22nd anyway.
So I made a poster...

That is the extent of my mad altering template skillz. This poster is for the big project that I am working on all summer, to engage youth in Dawson Creek in the visioning and planning processes that will affect our future. This is not something that I would usually embrace, citing reasons of "bureaucracy" and "all talk, no action" and "mumbo jumbo and rhetoric" but since they are paying me, maybe I'll give it a chance. Maybe this process works... I'll keep you posted...
Anyways, I would like some suggestions on how to make the poster better and all that jazz. Any help?